The Future of Voice-Over, Dubbing & Subtitling Localization — 2019 and Beyond

Voiceover & Multimedia10 May 20192.4k

[:en]It is an exciting time for brands that make the most of voice-over, subtitling and dubbing – there are many new innovations in technology and the public is more interested in video than ever before. Videos are used in advertisements, training, online classes, entertainment and more, and consumers just can’t get enough.
2019 already saw a robust amount of growth when it comes to multimedia localization. Fresh technology, refinements in online video streaming and an intensive focus on video for everything from education to advertising means that multimedia localization is becoming more important than ever before. We expect to see continued growth at this astounding pace through the rest of the year and even beyond, with both online streaming and foreign language voiceover becoming increasingly necessary for businesses of all sizes. The industry continues to adapt to the growing needs and to come up with increasingly efficient accurate methods to serve the organizations that can best benefit from this technology.
A few of the trends driving this unprecedented growth are detailed below; each is likely to continue to have an impact on multimedia localization in the years to come and will make a mark on the way businesses share information.

4 Trends Shaping the Way the Voiceover, Dubbing and Subtitling Industry Works

Consumer interest and growth is leading the way for most of the changes and innovations coming to the industry. From a heightened interest in virtual reality content to the surging need for silent mode video on both social media and online streaming platforms, consumers want better, higher quality captioning that they can watch discreetly during meetings, social gatherings and events.

Increased Captioning and Subtitling for Streaming and Online Video

While the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 launched the concept of subtitling for those who are unable to hear the dialogue and sounds of a performance or video, recent years have seen explosive growth in this area. Brands are going beyond complying with the ADA  — instead, captioning and subtitling have become a standard, not an option.
The increased demand for accurate subtitles and captioning, combined with massive growth in online video streaming, means that these features are no longer optional, but in demand by consumers with no disabilities at all.
According to researchers at DigiDay, the majority of smartphone video is consumed with the sound turned off. Consumers are watching ads, seeking out how-to and instructional videos and viewing entertainment videos in stealth mode, during other activities and meetings. The soaring interest in silent, discreet viewing of both entertainment and social media updates means that the demand for high quality, accurate and timely captioning is higher than ever before. Launching video with automatic on-screen titling and captioning is becoming the norm, instead of simply an alternative for those unable to watch any other way.
As we continue to multi-task and rely on phones and tablets for distraction, work and entertainment, the use of silent mode supports the need for high quality subtitling. If you’ve ever been to a meeting, speech or event and seen others using smart phones, they are likely viewing video without sound, and relying on high level captioning to relay nuance and details that may otherwise be overlooked.
This high consumer and user demand has not gone unnoticed; more and more brands are producing content that arrives ready to run with captions and subtitles intact, This make it easier than ever for viewers to watch in silent mode and to gather information in the way that the original creators intended, By serving up content with these important multimedia helpers in place, brands can take control of their own content and ensure that viewers don’t miss a thing by lowering the volume or opting out of sound entirely.
Viewers themselves have come to expect and even demand content that is accurately captioned and subtitled from the start; this need, more than anything else is driving massive growth in the industry and triggering strategic innovation.  As viewers adapt to and clamor for content that remains high quality and is presented in a way that can be viewed immediately, even in silent mode, the trend of delivering stream-ready content will continue through 2019 and beyond.

Expanding Interest in International Content

Barriers continue to shrink as consumers demand access to content created in different languages; both subtitling and dubbing are needed to relay the full meaning of content. The increased interest and demand is just the start; accuracy is essential as well. Poorly dubbed video content is likely to become viral for all the wrong reasons — and shared as a joke, not for education or entertainment as originally intended. Even a minor mistake in dubbing or subtitling can turn an in-demand program into one that is met with derision and scorn. Inaccuracies lead to frustration on the part of the viewer, who may end up looking elsewhere for information or entertainment — this represents both a lost opportunity and lost revenues for creators.
The growing demand for more content of all types and the need to deliver reliable and accurate subtitles and voice-over means that these additions are no longer an afterthought; they are an integral part of the content itself and need to match the overall quality and integrity of the rest of the production.
The Rise of VR Content
VR is no longer an experimental technology or something to dabble in – it has become an industry leading innovation that simply can’t be ignored. Full range, 360 degree video is no longer a novelty, and captioning needs to be held to the highest quality standards.
Virtual reality content is shifting towards more narrative, storytelling style; this approach often features more than one speaker – both dubbing and captioning will be required to support the immersion and realism demanded by VR users. VR streams are also manipulated and used in real time – and depend on where the user is within the content; audio cues, voice talent and visuals must be synced properly to avoid ruining the experience and effect.
This need has triggered an enhanced interest in dubbing and voice-over innovation as brands strive to serve the needs of consumers and brands when it comes to VR. Expect the continued interest in VR to be a driving force behind the growth and development of high quality voiceover and subtitling.

Increased Need for Agile Multimedia Localization

The need for agile localization is not new – brands have been striving to reach this ideal for several years. Watch for a growing interest in enhanced flexibility and agility when it comes to multimedia localization. Improving internal workflows, creating built-in efficiencies and reducing t timelines will all contribute to lower cost, higher quality products.
Increasing agility will continue to have an impact on the industry as a whole, as brands seek out more efficient and affordable ways to create content without sacrificing quality or meaning, This focus means that brands using services can expect to see more innovation and more focus on time and money saving initiatives. Expect to see this trend continue and to benefit from the lowered cost and speedy timelines.
Most of the innovation impacting the industry are coming directly from consumer demand; as the end viewers realize the need for more accurate and effective captioning and subtitling, the industry adapts to meet this need. Production teams and organizations creating content are also disrupting the industry – the need to lower costs, reduce production time and increase efficiency has led to significant innovation and a focus on the need for agility.
When the voice-over, dubbing and subtitling industry innovates and improves, consumers and producers win. Our focus on industry leading innovation makes it easier than ever to meet the needs of your audience and to create content that reliably delivers the message intended. Contact us today to learn more about your options when it comes to voice over, subtitling and multimedia localization and to learn how to put the latest innovations to work for your brand.[:]


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